概要 |
製作年 | 2016 | Year | 2016 | |
上映時間 | 3分30秒×13話 | Running Time | 3min30sec × 13 episodes | |
製作国 | 日本 | Country | JAPAN | |
言語 | 日本語 | Language | JAPANESE | |
監督 | 木綿達史 | Director | Tatsushi MOMEN | |
脚本 | 楠野一郎 安藤康太郎 |
Screenplay | Ichiro KUSUNO Kotaro ANDO |
キャスト | 山下晶 イフマサカ 岡本ヒロミツ 菊地由美 |
©"SUSHI POLICE" Project Partners | ©"SUSHI POLICE" Project Partners |
2020年東京五輪開催を目前に、全世界的にいまだかつてない空前の寿司ブームが到来。そこには信じがたい寿司が溢れていた・・・! 見かねた日本政府は各国に呼びかけ、自国の食文化を守り、他国との正しい食文化の交流促進を目的としたWFCO(World Food-culture Conservation Organization, 世界食文化保存機関)が発足。 WFCOの中でも容赦ない強制捜査で悪名高い第9課、通称・スシポリスは、アメリカ、ロシア、フランス、ドイツ、中国・・・各国に蔓延する“間違った寿司”の一掃に乗り出した。だが、有無を言わせない傍若無人な取り締まりは、いつしか各国の寿司レストランから猛反発を招き始める・・・。
With the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games around the corner, there's also a worldwide sushi boom! But what to do with all the bastardized sushi out there? The Japanese Government's urgent response is to team up with other ruling powers around the world to establish the WFCO (World Food-culture Conservation Organization) to protect and promote authentic local cuisine. And so the World Food-Culture Conservation Organization (WFCO), deploys its 9th Division to oversee Japanese cuisine abroad. The 9th Division, a.k.a. Sushi Police, is notorious for their aggressive conduct and they hassle anyone serving unauthentic Japanese food in the U.S., Russia, France, China, etc. They will resort to any means necessary to eliminate bad sushi. Soon they are despised by restaurant proprietors around the world.
Sushi Police, a 3DCG animated series inspired by the Japanese Government's attempt to regulate global Japanese restaurants, known as the "Sushi Police" incident. Some want to defend authentic food culture. Others want to restore their right to eat what they like. They are opposite sides of the same sushi.