概要 |
製作年 | 1998 | Year | 1998 | |
上映時間 | 91分 | Running Time | 91min. | |
製作国 | 日本 | Coutnry | JAPAN | |
言語 | 日本語 | Language | JAPANESE | |
原作 | - | Original Story | - | |
監督 | 阪本順治 | Director | Junji SAKAMOTO | |
脚本 | 阪本順治 田村竜 |
Screenplay | Junji SAKAMOTO Ryo TAMURA |
キャスト | 真木蔵人 鈴木一真 坂上みき 大杉漣 大楠道代 豊川悦司 他 |
Cast | Claude MAKI Kazuma SUZUKI Miki SAKAJO Ren OHSUGI Michiyo Okusu Etsushi TOYOKAWA |
©吉本興業株式会社/株式会社セディックインターナショナル | ©Yoshimoto Kogyo Co.,Ltd., Dentsu Young & Rubicam Inc. |
喧嘩っ早さが災いしてアルバイトをクビになった久は、ある日行きつけのスーパーで万引常習犯の主婦・ちか子と出会い、家出中の息子・勝を探す仕事を頼まれ引き受けてしまう。それが運の尽き、やっと見つけだした勝は家にも帰らず妙につきまとってくる。からかわれ騙され、勝に引きずりまわされる久。遂に2人は警官の拳銃を奪って逃げる羽目に!! …束の間の逃避行の間に、社会に順応できない“愚か者”同士、友情とも思える感情が芽生えてくるのだが…
Hisashi gets fired from his temp job due to his impulsiveness. One day he meets Chikako, a housewife who constantly shoplifts at the supermarket he regularly goes. He somehow agrees to help her to look for her run-away son, Masaru. Unfortunate to Hisashi, Masaru starts following his around instead of returning home, after he was found by Hisashi. Then they end up stealing a gun from a police officer! In their course of running away, the similar two who cannot adapt to society very well start to develop a mutual friendship…
This is a sequel of “Scarred Angels” released in 1997. Instead of a unique combination of Mitsuru (Etsushi Toyokawa) and Hisashi (Claude Maki), humble Hisashi in this film tag together with Masaru (Kazuma Suzuki) who is as foolish as Hisashi and their story goes until they meet Mitsuru. Junji Sakamoto directs the movie again. The film was invied to the 23rd Toronto International Film Festival, the 3rd Busan International Film Festival, the 23rd Oita Yubuin Film Festival and Saga Koto Film Festival.